Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Cocoon. The Beginning.

    The Cocoon The Beginning…..

 This creation has been many months in the spinning and it's truly an honor to have you and share this inspiring journey with you. 

When our first little lovely was born about three years ago I remember entering this new world of mommy-dom. During my pregnancy I took to the books, web, and catalogs obsessed with finding the best most pure items for our gorgeous little creation. One might say I took…it too far. Oh! But I loved every second of it. I loved reading about this car seat and that type of organic fiber for this type of use. All for one little moment one June afternoon.

Suddenly, somehow I got lost in it all. I will share a bit of recent in my cocoon history by telling you that we just made a HUGE move into a new city. I was faced with having to pack it all up and I mean ALL. I began sorting through all of those items I had meticulously chosen for our girl and found myself sitting in the middle of the room surrounded by things(some with price tags still attached) and just fell short for words and a bit sick to my stomach. Only but a handful of these things had true purpose and only a selected few of those items had meaning.

During this transition into mommy I seemed to have lost a bit of who I was before cheecky little gorgeousness. To say that it happens to all of us may be a bit of a stretch but I have to believe that it happens to a lot of us. We forget ourselves and all for the right reason. Our baby. Our life. Our purpose. 

In between the diaper changes something changed in me. I remember looking down at my chipped hadn't been painted in over a year toenails one day and completely not even recognizing my feet.(I wouldn't even use the three free good stuff I was that puritanical.) I had become so obsessed with living a natural life, chemical free that I kind of just lost touch with my reality. My reality being that I am a girl that needs a tad bit of somethin' somethin' in her hair to keep it tame. I am a girl that needs a pretty color on her nails to kinda talk her off a ledge when the going gets tough.

 I am a girl!  A girl that loves her some pretty.

I still am very much in love with natural living. I love surrounding myself with things that are made of the earth and that do not harm it. I love spreading the table with organic goodness. I love that my girls smell of organic flower essence and lavender and that I can truly feel at peace in knowing that their bodies are tiny little well kept temples. I am finding that natural living is beautiful living and that should be celebrated and CAN be celebrated with style.

When I began to realize that I did not have to sacrifice style for passion in living clean and naturally I really took my realization to a new level. 

The concept for the Cocoon started in December. I was on the brink of launching what else; but a green baby business. I felt so compelled to start something ethically based. Indie baby meets American Revolution. I was so thrilled I shared my ideas with everyone and worked hard to bring it to fruition. I then began to feel something strange. Something was telling me I needed to do more, go further and start completely over.

Just having entered the new phase of life with babies (We had a second one two April's after the lovely June afternoon.)  I began feeling compelled to share my journey with other women. Women who may be feeling what I was feeling. Thirsting for what I was thirsting. Beauty, Art, Lively living WITH babies WITHOUT sacrifice. (Of course we sacrifice ourselves, our bodies, our everything for our children it's what makes this job so incredibly rewarding and unlike anything we have or will ever do. )

The energy in our home began to move, to shift.  Soon "The Magic Cocoon" emerged from my mind's eye. Early in January I began to realize that this was to be far greater than cloth diapers and baby things. It would be a concept to inspire life with babies for babies and mothers all the same. Things they could share and gain from equally.

As this concept,  this cocoon begins and continues to be spun the things inside of it will evolve. Products will change with seasons, they will honor the hands of those who created them, they will be chosen in hope to inspire a home and spaces filled with intention and awareness. At times there will be minimal items and others there will be an abundance just as the cycles of our beloved earth produce and hold back. 

I hope, truly hope that we can all grow together through this journey spinning, growing, nourishing wombs, homes and little walking or crawling temples of magic.

*stay tuned for The Magic Cocoon-Blog!*