Tuesday, April 26, 2011

To: Our Magical April Afternoon....

My sweet Bria, Bria-means 'shine' in spanish-did you know that? Before Bria, you were "Whimsy" totally don't hold that against me. You would have been Whimsy Dae Bleu-and I was completely drug free through your pregnancy and years prior. You my lovely nugget are indeed a shiny whimsical being and before I continue I want to thank you-I want to thank you for being you and choosing me. I want to thank our loving God who gave us the opportunity to know you and be eternally changed and grateful for your existence.

You and I were nearing our 42nd week together.  In big people terms this meant we were going to have to peek into your little palace to make sure you had enough of everything you needed. To put it simply-you and I knew you were brilliantly fine so I began to worry about disturbing your peaceful home without reason. You see, I believe that you are a magical little creature. I believe that you knew the day and time you were meant to meet our lips and arms. I believe that you spoke to me and I spoke for you.

On April 26th we met our midwife. I left devastated. No signs of you making your entrance soon. I had tried everything to get you OUT. I circled the cultures of the world; Chinese Medicine, Spicy Indian,Basil'd Italian, Lively Latin, Tribal Drums, Unicorn Root to Eye of Newt. Nothing.

That night I sank into what had become our preparation ritual. I picked up my birthing ball-set it IN the shower, turned down the lights and diffused sage and lavender. I sat down and let the water beat on my belly. I knew you came to look forward to this at the end of our day. The soothing beating, different pitched sounds of the drops running and splashing down. You'd dance and then settle into sleep. I'd sing and rub your rump. This night was different. You and I-we went to a different place as we spoke.

In that instant it hit me. You my darling baby were special. You had this all under control. I told you quietly that I was ready-that I loved you,and I would wait for you no matter the circumstance.

3am. I woke up. I had to pee (big surprise) but couldn't. Too tired to care I went back to sleep. 6am I woke your daddy up. (As I had almost nightly for four weeks.) Well, if this was it I was going to walk it out. So early that foggy April morning I drug your pop's outta bed for a brisk walk to the bay. We made it to the water and here it came again. Different. Deeper. Stronger. We walked back home. In our yard I stopped-another one-I placed my arms around our gorgeous strong palm tree and rocked with you.

8am. I labored with you quietly in our special place-the shower. There I would stay for hours quietly as your sister slept in the next room. She came to visit us in and out and knew you were coming. She was strong and reverend a true big sister. For ten more hours we swayed, and danced in and out of the shower. I believe that in the midst of active labor you enter this world of optimal reality. You experience life in it's truest form. Your magical machine working fluidly-mind, body and soul.

Around 1:30pm things were getting a bit nuts. Our midwife came. I quoted ver-batum: "I was doing fine and now I can't handle my life...." she quietly whispered, "it's alright" and suddenly I grabbed the edge of the bed, clenched my jaw and groaned. One right after the other-I tried to catch a breath but another-and another. Your papa was in the living room-apparently it was pool time.
The water soothed my soul.... Contractions began to slow...My body began bare down...
Your daddy is the essence of a man. I wore red coral during labor, a dear friend gave it to us-it was for focus and centering our heart chakras.

                 He couldn't just stand by. He got in the pool and held us......I chose to birth you sitting in daddy's lap. You had told me months before your cord was snuggly wrapped around your neck. We both knew this was the way-the best way.
                               He never let go of my hand.....no matter how hard I squeezed.
                                       And then my darling girl, and then-There was you.....
In a year your face has changed little...you now walk , sing and dance. You light up or lives. I want to thank you for one of the most magical and empowering experiences of my life. I want to thank you for making me fall in love with your daddy-all over again. Our Brilliant little Bria-Happy Birthday.